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Lureflash Viper Grub Hook Size 18
€1.00 €2.99
Veniard BT Dubbing Wax
Veniard Cock Pheasant Centre Tail
Veniard Cock Pheasant Knotted Tail
Veniard Fly tyers wax
Veniard Fox Squirrel Tail Natural
Veniard Glo-Brite Floss
Veniard Golden Pheasant Complete Tail
Veniard Golden Pheasant Red Spears
Veniard Grey Sqirrel Tail
Veniard Indian Cock Cape
Veniard Kevlar Tying Thread
Veniard Large Cock Neck Hackles Mixed
Veniard Mullard Duck Bronze Shoulders Selected
From €8.49
Veniard Peacock Eye Top
Veniard Premium Fly-Tying Kit
Veniard Saddle Hackles Mixed
Veniard UNI Thread 6/0 50yd
Veniard UNI Thread Big Fly 3/0 80yd
Veniard Waddington Shanks